Big Lottery Losers and Residual Winners
Once again we see the lottery is up there $300M, $400M, now $500M and people who were just complaining about money being tight are running and waiting in line to BUY a lottery ticket! You see the lottery will not change anything long-term for the normal person and in fact will have an adverse effect on their life and very easily will become one of the lottery losers!!
Let’s look at some lottery stats for a second:
- The average lottery player spends $700.00(USA) and $500(Canada) a year on tickets.
- Odds of winning is approximately 1 in 258.9 Million
- 70% of all lottery winners end up going broke and filing for a bankruptcy.
- 44% of lottery winners had spent all of their winnings within 5 years of winning the lottery.
- Just over 50% of winners report they are happier after winning the lottery
- 90% probability that all of that wealth will be gone by the third generation
You see, in the United States right now the average income is about $27,000 and when an average Joe all a sudden gets say $300 Million overnight they have no clue what to do and are flooded with family, friends, co-workers, and “new” people looking for handouts! They have literally overnight went from rags to riches and almost every single winner has never seen that type of money. They are flooded with emotions and most jump on the dream wagon to go buy a new car, new house, new lifestyle, and very few look at a long-term plan for living a better lifestyle for their life and beyond! They have never had it so they have the want it now attitude, it goes back to the “entitlement” and give me attitudes and turns them into lottery losers!
A few interesting comparisons to winning the lottery which is 1 in 258.9 Million:
- Struck by lightning is 1 in 12,000
- Being crushed by a meteorite is 1 in 700,000
- Dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11 million
- Being a U.S. President is 1 in 10 Million
- Death by hot tap water is 1 in 5 million
Residual Winners? You are probably thinking what is this guy talking about, right? Well, let’s look at a few more statistics about taking the $500-700 invested in lottery and put it to work for YOUR business in Network Marketing or Direct Sales! You see if you took that small investment and put it to work with your hard work, you would start building a residual income that is only going to grow with your work. Let’s look at a few network marketing/Direct Sales statistics:
- 18+ Million people involved in the US alone
- $178 Billion in sales
- 74% are women and 26% are men
- Average work from home business income is $59,250 per year (US)
- 20% of Networkers make $100,000 or more a year
- Home based business wage earner’s success rate is over 85% compared with small businesses like retail shops and restaurants, at about 95% failure rate after 5 years.
Is building your residual income a quick fix to your needs? NO, absolutely not at all! But, becoming a lottery loser is not a fix either. How many lotto winders do you know personally? I bet you know a few if not more that are in Network Marketing or Direct Sales!!
Becoming a residual winner will take time and work but, in the same time it will also help grow you as a person mentally and physically and be able to provide for your family either a part-time income to help supplement one already or full-time income to work from home. The Networking industry is here to stay and is expected to be in 50% of American homes by the end of 2016 (YES, this year)!
Becoming a business owner has many other positive outcomes not just your income. Being a business owner you get 100’s of tax deductions, you have more free time, you plan when you work and where you work, you set your schedule, more family time, and the list could go on and on! You see with a small investment and your dedication the outcome can very much out weight that f tossing money into the lottery system and hoping or praying that you are the 1 in 258.9 Million that wins it!
So, the choice is really simple you can gamble on the Lottery Losers Lifestyle or have the Residual Winners mentality and build your empire with dedication and desire to better yourself and those around you! Which one would you like to be known for?
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE