You Either Get All In or You Do Not Become Successful

all inI know we all have either said it or heard it “let me just try it and see if it works” Well, that’s great and all but are you truly giving it an honest 100% tried and tested approach with that small-minded attitude? Really, with the “let me try it” attitude you have already got a negative thought that what if it doesn’t work, what if I can’t make it, what if I fail! That, be it a small negative thought can and most likely will derail any success you could have.

Let me ask you, as some of you know I have spent almost 20 years in emergency medicine. What if we as a crew showed up with only 3 out of the normal 6 person crew and decided that if we had a bad outcome on this call than not everyone failed? What if we only did a few medical procedures that we were comfortable with using everyday instead of a few lifesaving techniques we only use once in a while? You see being uncomfortable in situations can be related to any thing you do whether it was me saving a life or you taking the jump into networking. But, if we approach it with an All In attitude then success is more apt to happen, then with a negative thought in our heads!

So, Go All In no matter what you do, set yourself up for success and make it happen. Just like my career in emergency medicine, you also have to practice, practice, and practice! It doesn’t matter if I am working towards my 75 hours continuing education for my licensure or working on my personal development I am working to make me successful!

But what do I practice in networking you ask? Well, that is simple and plentiful the best and most critical I would say is personal development. Whether that’s a book, an audio segment (podcast, audio book, etc.), or dial into a morning motivational call (see my Free Training), those are great ways to start the day off. Do you need practice maybe calling leads? Pick up the phone and call someone on your team or your upline. Dive into one of your courses that you have invested in and take notes on it. Is there a webinar that you can jump on? You see, for an entrepreneur it is so easy to practice. We have virtually unlimited aspects that we can explore and work on to build our business. You see, the more you practice and learn to change your mindset and develop your skills, the more you are making yourself a go to authority in your niche market!

Then we are not alone building our business, we have a team to help. Just like on any call I responded to, we have a crew of 5-6 that responded and together we worked as a team to the best of our abilities to have a successful outcome. So, as an entrepreneur you also are working with a crew or team too. You may be just starting out and it is a small personal team with just your upline and one or two personal sponsors. Plug-in to the team trainings and work together. Use them for your 3-way calls, use them on your team calls, or even bring them on a one on one. Make sure when using anyone that you edify them, tell the person why this person is a mentor or leader and why you value them! Team building is also a crucial piece to your all in business plan too.

Success is the direct relation to the efforts you are putting in to your business. If you still want to test the water and try it out, what do you expect to get with a partial effort? Do you really think an airplane will take off going half the speed needed? NO, so why does one think it is ok to put in partial effort to see if they can achieve success? Success just like respect is earned and is never granted! Go All In!

You are the only one that is going to determine if you succeed or fail, so which is it?

ZL Signature 2

PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE