How Twitter Analytics Can Explode Your Online Business!
We all have heard of Twitter, just like we know Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and many other social media platforms. But have you looked into your Twitter Analytics to help plan your business marketing and grow your business?
Knowing your Twitter analytics is just as important as knowing why you should be on Twitter! Twitter has over 1.3 billion registered users, tweeting 500 million tweets per day! 60% of brand followers are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after following it on Twitter. Consumers follow brands on Twitter for exclusivity, promotions, and to be “in the know.” One-third of brand followers will interact with brands more this year than last!
Your Twitter account should exist to further grow your business; re-tweeting and cross-promoting can easily do this. Just be sure to remember, provide value with your Tweets. Don’t just send out marketing posts and promo mumbo-jumbo! Your followers will quickly wise-up and click unfollow just like on any other social media site!
Re-tweeting can be a huge referral tool to use, it easily allows your followers to share your update with their entire Twitter following as well! Simply one click from any Twitter platform can give your Tweet exposure to literally hundreds of thousands of potential customers and prospects! Any content that you are going to post needs to be valuable, interesting, and most of all, shareable. Make your Tweets something people want to read, make them eye-catching!
Next use Twitter as a cross-promotion tool! With Twitter analytics we can see all of our top interactions so use that to cross-promote your other marketing streams. Utilize your tweets to promote your blog, your website, send followers to your Facebook page, or even send them to a current promotion or tool you have that will give value to them. Use your Twitter account to further your business and using cross-promoting does this for you! Just remember as with any social media platform, provide your followers value!
Measure your results and adapt your marketing strategy
Twitter’s effectiveness is easily measurable. With Twitter analytics you can visibly see how many followers you’ve gained, how many unfollows and who they are, how many re-Tweets you’ve gotten in a certain time period, and much more. And, if you use a link shortener like MLSP or a custom link like PrettyLinks, you can even track how many unique visitors, total visitors, leads, and sales you have received with a specific link.
Using these specific statistics, you can start to determine trends in your Twitter marketing: what your customers like, what they don’t like, and what they respond to. This allows you to adapt and change your marketing until you find just the right strategy to fit You Inc. and you’re your customer base.
So, jump on this FREE Twitter Training and start using your Twitter analytics to capitalize on with your business. Twitter is literally giving us free marketing analytics that large corporations pay thousands of dollars for people to crunch!
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