Use StatusBrew To Accelerate Your Twitter Followers Daily!

StatusBrewAre you on Twitter plugging away and feeling like you’re not getting much engagement? Well, I was there too until I was introduced to StatusBrew! I was trying my hardest to follow people, get them to follow me, and it was time consuming doing it online or off my iPhone or iPad!

Finally, one of my mentors I follow on her blog Dr. Lisa Thompson posted her review of StatusBrew and how she is using the application. I have used several of their competitors and have found this to be the most complete package available today! While they do have a free package, I highly recommend paying either the $9.99 for 2 sources or step up to the top package for $17.00 and you can add five sources to your account. Let me take you through a quick walk through of StatusBrew have a look:

As you can see StatusBrew is a solid package with many great features! With the many features, the one thing I found annoying with other programs and also when I get messages from others is the “sent via @XYZ program” to me that just looks tacky and shows they may not be to concerned with their business as they won’t spend a few dollars to have the option to delete that text.

The “Power Search” option is another excellent addition to StatusBrew! You can easily type in anything you want to look for on someone’s Twitter page and be able to follow them from that search. Plus, if you wanted to target a certain area you have that option to. What a great way if you were traveling to Miami, to search Miami and (search term” and boom, there you have a new audience.

Another huge bonus I found with StatusBrew is it also allows you to work with your Instagram account too with the same follow and unfollow tools! While it doesn’t have an automated message yet, it still allows me to see who is following and unfollowing me on Instagram. I then can follow-up directly with them through a direct message in their inbox. 

I hope this gave you some insight into how StatusBrew can accelerate your Twitter marketing and if you are still new to Twitter grab my FREE Twitter Training Here! If you found value in this, please comment below and share!


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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE