TrueTwit Will Never Help Your Business Grow!
If you have used Twitter in any extent you have probably run into people using the verification service of TrueTwit. While it does seem like a good idea to make sure you are getting true followers, it also is turning a lot of those followers away from your account.
Let me ask you a simple question if you’re in business to gain followers and leads, when someone follows you, you want your first impression to stand out and attract them to yourself or your business correct? I certainly do, but there is no way you can when you first message to the new follower is this automated message:
“TWITTER USERNAME uses TrueTwit validation. To validate click here:”
Not a very appealing first message now is it?
TrueTwit makes no promises that it will get rid of any bots, instead just says they will attempt too.
“TrueTwit attempts to validate your new followers to see if they are human as opposed to automated bots.”
Does TrueTwit really validate that every account you have made contact with is a TRUE human and not a bot? Well, let’s read another quote from TrueTwit:
“If your follower successfully completes the CAPTCHA (or is already a TrueTwit user), you are sent an email indicating they are a TrueTwit-validated human!”
So, the real answer is NO, they do not make sure an account is truly a human; they just have to have a TrueTwit account! So, what’s to say that the owner of a bot isn’t just setting up an account with TrueTwit and they are recognized as “human”?
TrueTwit will also be sending YOU direct messages on each Twitter account verified or not, so think of how many messages you will now be getting? Basically, every single person that you initially interact with will get you a direct message now. Isn’t this what you were attempting to get away from, all those meaningless direct messages, but now you just signed up for a service to send you loads.
And lastly, are you not on Twitter to connect with people to help grow each other’s business? Using TrueTwit is like hiding your Facebook page, why are you hiding your Twitter account until they are verified? Do you think people are going to take extra time and steps to see if they may want to do business with you? You’re defeating the purpose of using social media to network with other entrepreneurs using these extra steps!
There are much more effective ways to try (like TrueTwit) does with making sure you get active engaging followers on Twitter. One is to use Statusbrew to select your followers through their platform and decide the criteria you want to see with followers. Do not fall for the TrueTwit scam!!
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
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