TGIF Mentality: The Grind Includes Friday!!

TGIF Mentailty-The Grind INcludes Friday!I know we all see the TGIF mentality of working for the weekend or the holiday but is that a good mentality to have or is it due to the lack of a vision for a better life?

All you have to do is jump on your favorite social media platform today or really any day and you will see someone talking about 2 days till I’m off for the weekend or 3 days till vacation! Now, is that a mentality that is going to get you much farther in life or just one that will get you to that 2 or 3 days to regroup and do it all over again?

Well, now if you go on your favorite social media platform again and look for an entrepreneur and compare their social media to that of your typical employee you will notice a big difference! One that is more upbeat and positive and talking about goals and a vision for their future instead of just a short-term make it to the weekend or the holiday mindset!

You see an entrepreneur is looking at the big picture and working towards a vision they have set for themselves and their family. Being an entrepreneur is a 7 day a week mindset that is grown within ones thinking. We are not born an entrepreneur but, rather we are educated every day to build our vision towards those goals we have.

When you then stop and look at an employee’s typical mentality, it’s to live for the weekend, holiday or extra day off. It’s the TGIF Mentality! They go work their J.O.B. from a set time, for a set pay rate, and are told when they can and cannot leave for the day or take vacations or lunches and breaks! They are only taught the skills necessary to complete the given task and very rarely any more as to become to knowledgeable to compete for a higher position! Most education is only for their licensure or certification to stay current and not necessarily to take them to another level in their position as an entrepreneur is always looking for the next level and training to get them there!

So, when we all get to Friday or that extra day off, if you want to find out who the true entrepreneur is versus an employee go check your social media platforms and see who is already posting they are at Happy Hour and how great it is they are off!! Who has that TGIF Mentality?

Entrepreneurship is a mindset with a true vision and a path to get there! Being an entrepreneur is a 7 day a week job but, it isn’t at all a barrier to stop you from having fun in life! It’s an avenue to be able to always have fun doing what you love no matter the hour, or day, or month! An entrepreneur doesn’t have to settle for the weekend or a holiday or a vacation day, their life can and will become that with the correct mindset!

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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

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