Simple Eye Popping Creative Images To Increase Your Interaction
We all know we have done it, scrolling your favorite social media platform when we see an image and barely bother reading the title we click on it! But, now your saying how could I possibly make an image like that, which will be a simple creative idea and catch someone’s eye? I was in the same boat being very limited in my artistic abilities and having no clue what to use and my first images looked like a kindergarten art show! That was until I was introduced to two simple tools to crop and design images. The base for all my designs is Canva and for my cropping I jump on ClippingMagic. These two tools alone have taken my limited artistic abilities and made it look like a professional did them! Any graphic or image I have used on or any of my blogs and social media pots have come from these two tools.
Before I jump into how these are used let’s talk a few numbers and why I use so many images on my platforms. Photo or image posts get an average of 39% more interaction and on Facebook get 53% more likes and 104% more comments! Tweets with an image get 18% more clicks, with 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets! So, you can see why making and using images are key to increasing your interactions with your followers and potential new customers or prospects.
OK, the base or foundation of all my images comes from a nice platform called Canva. It’s available either desktop or on tablets. I prefer making my images from my computer as I have more freedom and room to scroll and look at open tabs. Canva is super nice as it already has preprogramed pretty much every social media platform and many other templets to fit your needs. One hint for picking the right template is, I ALWAYS use Instagram as it will fit every social media platform but some will not fit correctly with Instagram so, you would be cutting part of your image off. Once you decide on your template then it will move you over to the design studio and here is where the magic happens! Canva is literally a drag and drop platform and you can change images right there. IN the Video below I will discuss the different tools and options you have.
The next tool is the amazing ClippingMagic! This tool has made Photoshop look silly and very easy to use!! Really there is only about 2 steps to cropping an image on Clipping Magic! Green button is the area you save and the red is the area you want taking off. It’s really that simple folks. Yes, you can get more technically when it comes to cropping hair or other similar fine lines but that is also very easy.
So, jump on the video with me and let me walk you through a quick image design from scratch:
As you can see Canva and ClippingMagic have made creative image creation simple and easy! These two tools can literally help take your posts to the next level and instead of boring old text posts, you now can blow their socks off with your creative images! I hope this article on creative images and designing has provided you with value to build your brand and if so please comment below and share my post!
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
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