Today let’s talk about making bold promises.
I know a lot of marketers, we see it on social media all the time or even in person or via e-mails.
- You get bold promises:
- Make 500 this week.
- Make 200 today.
- Sign up you get 200 Instantly
- Make “X” number of dollars this month.
I hate when people make bold promises, because you can’t promise any of that.
Stop it. Stop. It’s a no.
If you can’t promise it, don’t say it.
There’re so many weight loss companies, there’s so many travel companies, there’s so many other network marketing companies, skin care, all this stuff that newer marketers come out and make bold promises that they haven’t even been in the industry six months, a year, and they’re making these promises. They have no clue about their compensation plan yet. They have no clue the residual income they might get. Don’t make these promises if you can’t back them up.
Stop it.
They’re ruining the industry. They’re giving the industry a bad image, because you just told me I was going to make $500 this week and I didn’t. You promised me that.
You’re setting yourself up as a bad example. You’re giving the industry a bad rap when you do that. Network marketing, yes it is the biggest industry in the world, worldwide, but it’s also one of with the hardest rap on it too because of things like that and other business practices we aren’t even going to talk about today.
If you can’t promise things, don’t say it.
You can’t promise somebody sales.
You can’t promise somebody leads.
You can’t promise somebody that they’re even going to make a profit, let alone be a top earner in the company.
You can’t promise that.
Don’t promise me all this downfall from up top because it’s a “bottom level entry”. Don’t promise that. You can’t promise me that.
You can’t even promise me that personally I’m going to work for you, so don’t promise that.
You can’t promise it if you can’t back it up.
I can promise you though that I will give you massive value for your business.
I will promise you that I can give you mentorship.
I promise you that we have a proven system if you follow it, and you actually work it.
I can promise you it will be life-changing if you work the system.
The one thing I can’t prove or promise you is if YOU will work it.
Don’t make those promises of sales, leads, income, because you can’t promise that person’s going to work it so they can’t get that. It’s going to work if you work. That’s the only way it’s going to work.
Don’t make those bold claims.
If you want to make a bold claim say:
- I promise you great mentorship.
- I promise you massive value.
- I promise you if you work,
- it will be life-changing.
Those are promises I can make personally!
If you got value from this, comment below. If you need massive value, if you need mentorship, leadership, let’s talk. Doesn’t matter what business you’re in at all. I’m not necessarily tied to one industry at all. I like the coaching side personally. Let’s talk. Let’s see where we can get you guys. Take care.
Zach Loescher – EMT/CPT
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PSS If you’re happy in your business, that’s great news! If you’re open to a coach/mentor, and/or secondary income you can build online– Click Work With Zach and I will personally give you a FREE 30 minute