It Totally Must Be A Scam, I Didn’t Make A Lot Of Money On My First Few Commission Checks!
So, you got into network marketing and thought you would ride off into the sunset making a butt load of money right away!! Well, you might as well just stop now and turn around and go back to your cushy 9-5! Sorry to be blunt, but that is really the truth.
When we set out on a new adventure or career we all know success will typically not come right away and we have to work for it! Just like my soccer career that took me into college and overseas, I wasn’t handed a starting position on the team. I busted my butt in practice, time on my own, and any time I could get a few guys to shoot some balls on me. I trained anytime I could to better myself and it paid off with a college scholarship and matches in Europe! There is nothing different when you decide to be an entrepreneur either, success will come with hard work and desire to learn! But with your hard work will come great success as well.
Just because your first check, your second, or third, or fourth wasn’t were you wanted to be doesn’t mean it isn’t going to work! No, almost 100% of us will never be able to go full-time in our first few months but that is laying the foundation for your business to grow and succeed in the coming future if you continue with your work ethic.
Let me give you a prime example of not being able to get rich or go full-time with a few of my own personal first checks I received! And technically it didn’t even cover my expenses for that month, but did I quit?? NO!
Yes, Really it was $7.00, $109.00, and $21.60(minus a $3.00 fee) for my first checks!! See, if I was to look at my first checks for my work as a new entrepreneur and decided that I was going to quit, where would I be today? Well, let me ask you why did you look into being an entrepreneur?? Didn’t like your job? Wanted a better life?? Wanted financial freedom??
You see we all decided to become an entrepreneur for almost the same identical reasons yet why do some become successful while others quit?? The biggest reason we become successful is we didn’t quit when it became hard or required us to grind and put in the work! We continued to Invest in ourselves, we learned the products, programs we invested in, and we taught that to others.
You see the only scam in this business is the one that you are feeding your brain as to why it will not work for you! And with that negative thought you decide you cannot make it work and quit! Don’t let the first few checks determine your future and put in the work for 6 months to a year and tell me where you are then! Plug into programs to help you grow your business like I did!! I would bet that if you truly put in the work that you will be telling me how successful you are!!
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE