Get Over Your Entitlement, Earn The Respect!

earn the respectWhat is happening to so many people these days thinking they are entitled to anything and everything? What happened to hard work and earning your position, or advancement, or let’s even say respect? Today people’s mindset and attitude has turned to a give me, give me, instead of how can I get better!

You see growing up I was never granted or given anything in my soccer career, it was all a result of hard work and dedication to the sport I love! I went to school and then practice, then more practice, weekends were practice and games, free time was practice. You see, the reason I was able to play in high school, college, and in Europe was a mindset and dedication to my goals and mentors to teach and lead me! I had earn the respect of the coaches, players, and scouts!

Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field. -- Dennis Waitley Share on X

Respect is something that you will not get overnight or maybe not even a month or a year but, your willingness to keep building trust and growing yourself will earn the respect we all aim for. Become a leader that you would want to follow and study the ones you follow already!

What are you doing daily to better yourself? Are you investing? Learning? Maybe teaching others? We have to always be a student daily, we have to learn and grow on a consistent basis. Start your day off with personal development, motivational calls, and webinars.  There are numerous free webinars weekly to learn from the industry’s top leaders and income earners. Plus many trainings in many topics from blogging, SEO, social media, email marketing, to almost anything you want to learn! Investing in you is just like paying to attend college! If you’re not investing in yourself then the odds are highly likely you are not growing yourself or your business.

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Next, is content! What are you doing with content and your avenues? Are you putting out content that people will find valuable and that can solve their problems or are you just spamming your links or business? As they say content is truly king. Your content is either going to make you a go to person for your niche or get you quickly blocked! No one wants to see you spamming your links 24/7/365, people want valuable content that can help them fix a problem they are having whether that be marketing issues, lead generations, travel, health & fitness, or a plethora of other categories as well. People will go to you when you provide them valuable content on a consistent basis and look at you as a professional in your niche.

You see, we all want the respect but so many are just not willing to put in the time or effort in to earn the respect and just think they are entitled to it! Well, a true professional will drive to earn that respect by investing, learning, and teaching others.  I challenge everyone to go out and Invest, Learn, and Teach!

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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE