Don’t Be Old School And Throw Money Away With Direct Mail Marketing

Direct Mail MarketingI can bet when you got your mail today that you found some direct mail marketing, Correct? Most likely a lot of direct mail mixed in with all your other mail! How many of those pieces of mail have nothing to do at all with what interests you? And if you’re like me, my mail will sit for days in the mailbox unless I know I am expecting a package or letter so, with that sits any direct mailers that a person or company may have sent out for days on end.

So, since I like to see numbers in 2014, email marketing was cited as the most effective digital marketing channel for customer retention in the United States. Another huge number when examining comparisons is the average cost per acquisition (CPA) using direct mail marketing is $51.40 and email marketing varies depending on method from approx. $0.20 to $10.00+ with the return on investment (ROI) came in at $7.00 for direct mail marketing far behind the $28.50 for digital marketing(CMO 2012).

A few other much-needed comparisons is that digital marketing is easily targeted or client specific marketing versus direct mail that is more global marketing or hits everyone in a given area. Digital Marketing is also very versatile and can be changed at any time versus direct mail cannot be altered once printed and direct marketing is immediate communication, where you have delayed responses with direct mail.

A great example is a realtor listing a new home. How nice would it be to have a specific capture page for that listing and being able to use SEO targeting for potential buyers looking in that area to drive them to your “New Home” capture page? Instead of the old school blanketing unknown markets with direct mailing hoping you get a hit for your services, not a specific home, SEO will drive you traffic!

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How do you think your potential buyer would be if you called and said “Hi Jane, this is realtor Joe you clicked on my 123 New Home Ave property.” Instead of “Hi Jane, this is realtor Joe, I see you are looking for homes?” Digital marketing will give you that professional personal touch for literally pennies on the dollar!

While Direct mail will get your information out there to people, the digital marketing side will help you literally pick out those people you want to target and engage with! Within digital marketing using various tools from your blog, to SEO, a CRM, and autoresponders your engagement and retention will sky-rocket while your return on investment will also increase, which means your residual income also will.

I hope this has given you some better insight on the difference between direct marketing and digital marketing. Grab your 10 Day Trail of MLSP Mastery including a WordPress blog, CRM, SEO, and autoresponder!

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