Do You Have Cinderella’s Never Give Up Attitude?

Do You Have Cinderella’s Never Give Up Attitude-Now you are probably going what is this guy talking about a Disney character for and why Cinderella? I would venture to guess that most of us have seen Cinderella at one time in our lifetime but, did you really think about what you could take from her?

If you haven’t seen the Disney movie Cinderella let me give you a quick background on her. She is a young gal that lost her father at a young age and ends up being forced to live with her stepfamily. Her stepmother and step sisters were very unloving, disrespectful, and cold-hearted towards her. Cinderella is treated very unfairly, being forced to do everything for her stepfamily’s laundry, cooking, cleaning, and all of their other chores.

With all the negativity surrounding Cinderella she still was able to remain kind and thoughtful. Instead of returning evil with evil, Cinderella never gave up on her dreams still choose to be kind and thoughtful, even with the way she was being treated. Now you are wondering great but, how is this going to help me in my business?

We as entrepreneurs are going to encounter the same type of people in our journey to build our business. While it may or may not be your direct family, you most certainly will find friends and potential prospects questioning your actions and your business. Those people just like Cinderella’s family are going to try to hold you back and/or try to create a negative environment towards you and/or your business.

You, just like Cinderella has to never give up and to hold onto your hope and dreams. Cinderella’s story teaches us to enjoy the simple things that life has given us. And like Cinderella never gave up hope and always had an optimistic attitude we as entrepreneurs need to have that same attitude; Cinderella got her happy ending by holding onto hope and you can too. Cinderella teaches all the viewers that if you set your mind to something and never give up, one can achieve their goals and have their own happy ending. You see this is so true with any entrepreneur as well, there are going to be tough times and times you are ready to quit! But, as Cinderella did, if you work through those times, you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind to! Go out and Never Give Up!!

ZL Signature 2PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

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