Are You Running Your Business To Look Like A Relationship Daily? Do You Have A Business Relationship?
Now you are probably thinking what the heck is a business relationship or what does my business have to do with a relationship? Well, if you truly think about you growing your business or you building a relationship with a significant other, they are two in the same! Think about this, would your relationship last if you were only putting a part-time effort into it? Would people or your significant other take you serious? I highly doubt it and would venture to bet that it would have a very short lifespan as well.
You see we have to approach our business just like a relationship and with the same dedication and desire to build it and grow it to last well into the future and beyond. If you are to take it halfheartedly then your business will show that you are treating it as a hobby and not taking it serious. If we want to be taken serious by our prospects then we have to be showing a fulltime commitment to our business. People are watching you no matter what you are doing, especially with social media today it’s easy for a prospect to watch from the sidelines making judgement calls as to whether or not they want to do business with you.
So, just like in a relationship with your significant other we as entrepreneurs have to also have a business relationship with our business. If you are serious about your business and want to make it fulltime, then you have to invest, learn, and teach!
Investing and learning in your business means going to events, attending networking functions and webinars, purchasing products and trainings to grow your business. Going to events is going to keep you up to date on new releases and current industry methods and technology. Today many webinars by industry leaders are taking place on almost a daily basis and we are able gain valuable knowledge from the conform of our own homes or office. And investing in your products or trainings only shows your prospects your commitment to them and your business. If we are not investing and learning we are not growing and therefore our business will reflect our dedication to it.
And just like growing your relationship, you need to teach your team as well. Teaching your team and prospects is as simple as providing valuable content on your blog or team pages on social media. Providing valuable content will draw those watching you in farther and eventually wanting to join your team. Provide your team with weekly webinars or conference calls to stay up on your current path and to answer questions for them. Another great way to help your team with growing is plugging them into weekly MLSP webinars provided for free and presented by industry leaders (Register Here). These weekly MLSP webinars vary staying up with the most current marketing avenues and providing a great tool for your teams to promote and grow their email lists with value.
So, as you can see building a business relationship is vital in growing a fulltime business. Just like a relationship with your significant other, a business relationship need to be nurtured and built as well. I hope this provided you a different point of view that is relatable to life and will help you grow your successful business. If you got value from this article please leave a comment below.
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE