Do Not Set Yourself Up For Failure Before You Can Succeed As An Entrepreneur

FailureSetUpI am not a betting man, but I would bet that you became an entrepreneur with the goals and vision to become successful and get out of that life you once had! I’d bet you had a friend or family member already tell you that those things never work, you can’t be good at that. It’ll never work. We all have heard things like that and actually always will as everyone is given their freedom of speech and thoughts. But it’s your goal to prove them wrong.

So, what do I mean about “Do not set yourself up for failure before you can succeed?” It’s actually pretty simple but people jump on their company’s brand and mission and forget people want to get to know the person more than the product of service. You are your brand not the product or service that is an added extension of you!

First, we all want to help others out but, you have to select a business that you are passionate about and that you see yourself evolving with and immersing yourself in that businesses services or products. You have to become a product of the product. So, take your time and see what you are passionate about, without that passion and fire then you will struggle to succeed in that business.

Then, do not go grabbing up new social media custom names just because you are with XYZ business. People want to know the real you, not an alias. Make your social media branded to you, your name! What happens if you brand yourself to XYZ Company and then you move to another company or even add affiliate programs?? Your stuck with that custom name that doesn’t fit you’re your niche market now. So, always, always brand You Inc.! People want to get to know you! If you look at all my websites, blogs, and social media it is all ZLoescher or ZachLoescher, it’s branding me and building my You Inc. no matter what product or service I have.

Then, always have an email autoresponder to build your email list! So, many marketers do not have any email lists set-up and are literally losing money!! Your email list is the only thing you OWN outside of your content!! This email list is going to provide you names, emails, and phone numbers of every single person that opted-in or requested information from you! You have to have this or you are throwing money away!! What happens if your company closes and your contacts were in your back office at the company’s site?? They are gone forever, you lost every one of them!! This is your personal ATM build it and take care of it!


So, with these 3 tips here you can and will become successful in your given niche following them. Go out and brand yourself a professional in your area and attract those to you with your expertise! I hope this provided you some insight to reaching your goals and vision and please comment below!

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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE