by | Personal Development
Get Over Your Entitlement, Earn The Respect! What is happening to so many people these days thinking they are entitled to anything and everything? What happened to hard work and earning your position, or advancement, or let’s even say respect? Today people’s mindset...
by | Personal Development
Those Reluctant To Learn Will Never See Growth Don’t be reluctant to learn; strive to be successful at your chosen field or niche. As an entrepreneur we have to make a culture of learning for us to follow and be able to stick our plan to learn. We have to be learning...
by | Personal Development
Are You Jumping Ship In Hopes Of Greener Grass? I know if you have been in networking long enough you know at least one person that you saw jump ship to a new company on the promise of more pay, more leads, a bigger team, or whatever the reason! A lot of the time...
by | Personal Development
Are You Treating Your Business Like A Blizzard? What? What is this guy talking about right? Well, let’s re-read that and think how could that equate to your business? Now, for those of you that live in a climate that can see a blizzard or two during the winter you...
by | Personal Development
It’s Friday, Get off Your Ass And Work! Lose The Weekend Mindset! So many people only work for their weekend mindset as I call it. Heck I could easily make a list of people I see on social media that start their countdown on Monday!! They have little desire to...
by | Personal Development
Figment Of Your Imagination Should Always Be Limitless What happened to the figment of your imagination? What happens when we grow up? Why do we often lose that imagination we once had as kids? You can see it starts to disappear the older we get until we hit the...