by | Network Marketing
MLM’s Come And Go, Are You Recession Proof? We all have heard of the word recession, we all associate a recession with hard times, lower incomes, and unemployment most likely, right? You know like in December 2007 when unemployment hit a national high of 10% or...
by | Network Marketing
So Your Networking Results Are Not Where You Want Them To Be? We all got into networking or MLM for various reasons, most to make extra money or to get out of your current job. We all heard from the person that introduced us to networking that this person is making 6...
by | Network Marketing
The 90% That Said No To You Will Join NOW! I know it’s a struggle for many marketers whether you’re just starting out or even ones that decided to jump companies for any reason. We all hear the word NO more than we would like! Many people you approach will...
by | Network Marketing
So You’re Moving To A New Company, So What!! Promote Your Launch, NOT Your Exit! We see it and hear about them all the time in business, especially now that people love to use social media to express themselves. People promote their exit plan more than they promote...
by | Network Marketing
Have a Social Media Breakthrough Not a Social Media Failure I know we all have social media accounts and we are most likely on almost every social media platform out there. Or if you are not you should be! But, just because you are on these social media platforms, are...
by | Network Marketing
Why Network Marketing Is A Scam!! You all have had that person that has joined one of those crazy “cult things” or one of those “Pyramids!” We all have even probably got approached from a family member or even friends about networking. You probably also have heard the...