by | Blogging
While many writers are eager to write for the Internet, it is important to consider the key differences between writing for a traditional print audience and an Internet audience. Keeping these three points in mind will help you achieve success with your Internet...
by | Blogging
There are times when a blogger, like any other writer, will ‘loose the muse.’ Every idea that comes to mind seems either trite or dull or, worse still, no ideas come to mind. What’s a blogger to do? Here are five tactics that just might clear away...
by | Blogging
7 Reasons Why We Blog As Entrepreneurs Did you ever ask yourself, why do you blog, or why do you have to? Nowadays on Internet there are more than 70 million blogs, and it is interesting what purposes they pursue? There is literally a blog for every single niche you...
by | Blogging
200th Blog Post And Still Rocking! I would never have imagined if you told me that I would post my 200th blog post in the last 9-10 months! Coming from someone who was taught blast your company/product left and right and you will make it big! WOW I am grateful I found...
by | Blogging
5 Reasons Why Blogging is the New Internet Marketing Tool Do you ever feel like you know just enough about Blogging to be dangerous? Let’s see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from Blogging experts. Blogging is a concept that started in...
by | Blogging
How To Supercharge Your Online Business With Article Marketing Article marketing is a simple way to get an edge on your competitors. If you are an online entrepreneur you have to know how to market online business with innovative strategies and tactics to...