Building Facebook Connections Through Birthday And Life Event Notifications
You know you’ve done it just like I have, forgot that one birthday or big event. We all are on Facebook almost daily but yet how many friends or family birthdays have you forgotten till the last minute or even a day late when you see another person post? Why not use that to build Facebook connections for your business as well as getting back in touch with old co-workers and friends?
I could sit here and tell you how Facebook has over One Billion active monthly users or approximately one billion daily users. But we all know the power of Facebook and most in the marketing field have been using Facebook as one tool to build their business. You hopefully already have a fan page you are using and maybe using Facebook Ads to build with also. But, there may be one feature or I should say notification that Facebook is giving you daily that you may not be using to your advantage to build Facebook connections or relationships.
You see every single day Facebook tells me all my friends’ birthdays and life events! They are literally helping you build Facebook connections without even asking or paying for anything. Watch my short video on how you too can easily build Facebook connections daily:
How awesome is that, that Facebook basically says “Hey go connect with Jane, it’s her birthday!” As I showed you Facebook is giving us one more tool that is an excellent way to connect with those that maybe we have lost contact with or ones that may have been in our business but for whatever reason strayed away. Well, with Facebook we can now get back that lost connection!
So, jump on and see who you may be forgetting today and go build yourself some new Facebook connections today! Hopefully this short and sweet post gave you one more tool to add to your arsenal to build your business!
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE