Are You Influenced By Your Negative Community Or Are You Influenced By True Leaders?

Influenced By You see I already know we all have people who are negative in our life and we also have some that are very positive as well. But, the real issues is who are you influenced by more? We make the decision who we hang out with on a regular basis!

You see negatively is around us no matter where we look! It’s on the television, it’s at work, it’s with in our own families and friends, it’s literally everywhere we go today. And while a lot will easily fall prey to taking that negative attitude with them, there are some of you that can shed that and only accept the positive in. Let me ask you, are you influenced by the negative or positive in your circle?

The negative influences can come from people, places, or things and most won’t even realize the emotional drain that this takes on them by allowing this in their circle all the time. Why yes some is unavoidable due to where it’s coming from (home, work, family, etc.), we can try to limit our interaction with that type of influence.

I would bet in the workplace we all have had to deal with that dreaded boss that takes their lack of leadership and knowledge and throws their title all over like it’s a water balloon fight in the summer! Or what about those co-workers that nothing is ever good enough for them. Whether it’s their pay rate, hours they work, equipment, another employee, or just simply they woke up that day! While there are very little options to avoid these unless your exit plan from that job is already in the works or you can go above these people and advice another superior. The later rarely works that quickly and you may get lucky and see a small improvement for a short period. In these situations you just have to learn to hear it and dismiss it once you leave.

But what about if its family or friends? Well, I would bet a high percentage of us in networking have had either your family or close friends tell you how bad your idea is, or that will never work, or they simply just refuse to support you in your entrepreneurial dreams and goals. It happens to almost all of us, including me! I can say that not a single family member has joined me or barely even tried anything from my businesses. A lot of my old friends the only thing they are concerned with is if it is Friday yet or when they can clock out and get a drink. Did that detour my drive to achieve my dreams and goals? HELL NO, it actually added more wood to the fire I have to be a successful entrepreneur!

You see while there is a lot of negativity around us every day, it’s all about how you let it affect you. We can either fall into the tap of negativity or we can let it bounce off us like a force shield on a Sci-Fi movie! You see as an entrepreneur we have to dive into the positive and use personal development and our mentors and leaders as one of our driving forces to become successful. We have to have a clear vision and a plan on how we are going to achieve our goals. We have to have a plan have short-term goals and those short-term will then lead to our big goals.

The unsuccessful person is burdened by learning, and prefers to walk down familiar paths. Their distaste for learning stunts their growth and limits their influence. John C. Maxwell Share on X

You can easily decide who your mentors and leaders are going to be with the use of the internet today! With social media, live video apps, and webinars it is so easy for us to plug into a training from industry leaders in any niche. Who are you influenced by? Is it your company’s leaders?? Maybe a book that was recommended to read?

So, who are you influenced by? Take out a piece of paper and put a line right down the middle. Make one side positive and one side negative and then start writing names and be honest with yourself. No one is going to see it but yourself. Well, unless you show it.

Who are you influenced by, is it the people and path you want to be on to achieve your dreams and goals? Will those people help get you there??

ZL Signature 2

PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

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