Are You Going To Be Taking A CHANCE or CHOICE In 2016?
With the new year coming just around the corner we are looking to start 2016 on a high note! But, you are the one that gets to choose whether you are going to make a Choice in 2016 or just take a chance? Are you going to continue on the same path as 2015 or are you going to take that leap and make 2016 amazing? Think about it are you are You going to be taking a CHANCE or CHOICE?
You get to decide your path for the New Year, which is it going to be?
Chance – With chance you are going to keep doing what you’ve been doing, working that same job, working the same hours, being told to take the same breaks and you are sitting waiting on chance. Chance that there will be a change, chance that you get a pay raise, chance your granted those days off, chance you get more vacation time, and chance that you get more family time.
Sure it can happen once in a while to a few people but it also DOES NOT happen quite often. Sure, chance is possibly a stable option but what happens when chance decides you’re not needed in your position anymore? Do you wait on chance to find a new income? Do you have the ability to chance that your savings will get you by till chance finds you a new income?
Choice – What if you make the choice to choose your future? Where you are going to go, when you work, when you take vacation or time off, what you want to, and what you can giveaway. Make that choice to control your own future this New Year!
Set down and plan what you are going to do, how you are going to do it, and what your results will be by the end of the year! Make a game plan and stick to it! Invest in your future, Learn from your investments, and go Teach it to your team and tribes! Let’s make this year the beginning of the rest of your life!
So, I ask you going into the New Year make a decision, are you going to take a Chance or Choice? Which will you choose to??
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE