Are You Getting The Traffic You Need? 3 Types Of Traffic…
We all know how important traffic is for you to grow any business but, what do you do to draw that traffic? In today’s social world there is many avenues to use to draw in that traffic. But, it all comes down to 3 types 1) Paid Traffic 2) Free Traffic and 3) Traffic You Own!
We all know Paid traffic and it is definitely the most controlled by you. But it also costs you to target the traffic you want. So, in the beginning some budgets may not yet allow as much paid traffic as one would like. The great magnificent thing about paid traffic is you control almost every piece of it. The target market you define is exactly what your traffic will be from age, to countries, to language, you name it you can almost decide it. So, that being said paid traffic can really be a key to any one building their business and most effective too!
Free traffic is great for starting out or when your budget isn’t allowing you to add paid traffic. But, free (organic) traffic is really uncontrolled for you and has virtually no targets except for where you post it versus that of paid traffic. With free traffic though you are able to target your audience with your verbiage and images you use. Using images in any marketing will have a higher interaction rate versus text. Images also have a much higher interaction rate of upwards of 40% more than regular text marketing. So, using catching images to gain your traffics attention can be a huge plus while using free traffic methods.
The 3rd and final type of traffic is money in your pocket! It’s literally your own personal ATM. It’s your email list!! Your email list is really your business building tool that will make you or break you. Both the Paid and Free traffic are key to growing your email list and to the one traffic source that you have 100% control over. Your email list should be roughly 80% value and 20% promoting your service or products. Providing your list with value is critical to your building the relationships they want and to be able to build the relationships to help them with their businesses building problems. Your email list is the most engaged followers you have and are the ones wanting you to provide them with value.
So, with your 3 types of traffic as you can see your email list id going to make you the money but it is necessary to use either free or paid traffic to build your list. I hope this article today helped you understand the 3 types of traffic available to you and how to maximize them. If you got value from this please feel free to comment below and share this value.
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