Why You Inc. Will Give You Continued Success!

you inc.Why brand You Inc. instead of a business you are asking, right? I can guarantee that we all have friends on social media that all they post is about their business and very little about anything else! I know I have a handful that do to, so today I am going to talk about how you can Brand You Inc. and NOT your business.

Why am I saying to not promote your business all over social media you might be asking? Well, it’s very simple social media was made for people to be social, not as a free advertisement platform for your business. Do you think your friends and family or even your followers just want to see business post after spammy business post on your pages? I can tell you absolutely not at all! They want to see what you are up too, they want to see your family, your kids, etc! Now, I am not saying cut it out 100% at all, post your milestones or achievements people want to see that, but not every single blurb has to be your business!

I get many messages a day on social media asking me to check out this link or that link or join today’s new company because last week you were posting about a different company! You see that is spam marketing and not a single person likes that and your retention will show that if you even get any sign-ups using that method!

People want to get to know, like, and trust you before they do business. So when you brand You Inc. instead of XYZ company people are going to look at you. The more valuable the content you post the more you will engage all your social media followers. People are going to look over your entire social media presence before they like or follow you, it’s a normal human reaction. They want to know who they are going to be working with and see if it will be a fit.

People want to see how you can solve their problem or problems, how can you help them with the content you post? Again, if all I do is post about XYZ business then you most likely have lost or turned off 80-90% of the people who look at your social media sites!

When you brand You Inc. no matter what my primary company is with people want to follow because I provide valuable content on a consistent basis that help with problems entrepreneurs face daily! You see when I post about Facebook marketing or maybe Instagram marketing there are people who are having problems in that area. Or what about video marketing, it’s one of the hottest marketing methods today! I could even talk about email marketing and how to get higher click-through rates. You see with all those listed and the hundred or even thousands of other areas, no matter my primary business opportunity I will always be able to help others first and foremost!

When you brand You Inc. you are building a brand around you and yourself to help other marketers! People will come and ask for your help and how you built your business. You will attract people through attraction marketing versus being the hunter, you become the hunted!  

ZL Signature 2PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE