How Periscope Will Blow Up Your Business!!

PeriscopeWe all by now have seen a “Scope” video or seen someone sharing that so and so is live on Periscope. 2016 is going to be a huge year for live video feeds and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a handful of new apps come out as well, but for now Periscope has garnered the title King of Live Video. Facebook is giving them a good run with their recently unveiled “Facebook Live” but has a way to go still.

Periscope was launched March 2015 and has already surpassed ten million accounts

5 tips for growing your viewers on Periscope

  1. Brand YOU – The reason you want to do this is because people greet you when you hop on to a live broadcast by addressing you by your name. If your title is hard to say, you are making it hard for them to give you shout-outs.


  1. Timing – While Periscope is still new to the social media field and there isn’t any specific analytics for Scope yet, you can get an idea of what your twitter followers are doing and base your video timing on them for targeting the most viewers. Grab a Free report at Tweet Reach. Also, it’s always great to announce 5 or 10 minutes prior that you will be going live on Periscope.


  1. Your Title – Make your title eye-catching! Your name and title are the only thing people see when scrolling through “Most Recent” or “Featured” on Periscope.

A few types of titles are:

a) Have your title be straight-forward, tell viewers exactly what they are going to see.

b) Another way is make it exclusive, give viewers exclusive footage say backstage or live from an event, these would draw viewers for an exclusive viewing.

c) As Ray Higdon does, invite them to learn. Give viewers a short lesson on a specific subject


  1. Easy To Find – Unless you are doing a private Scope make sure you have the share feature turned on so people are able to share your live feed on social media. Also, enable location sharing and it will give you a geographical region to help promote your Scope.


  1. Respond To Comments – Responding to comments and hearts (likes) will engage your views and retention will increase. Respond to comments live on your Scope. The more hearts one has help get you ranked in the ‘People to follow” and “most loved” lists.

Hopefully these 4 simple tips will help you gain a larger following on Periscope and also increase your viewers with each Scope you do! Feel free to leave a comment with your Scope name and I would love to follow you and view your next Scope!

Make sure to also grab my FREE 23 Page PDF and Video Training on Periscope CLICK HERE!

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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

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