Are You Treating Your Business Like A Blizzard?

BlizzardWhat? What is this guy talking about right? Well, let’s re-read that and think how could that equate to your business? Now, for those of you that live in a climate that can see a blizzard or two during the winter you already may have guessed where I am going. But, for those in warmer climates, you see a blizzard is all hyped up in the news and then rushes in causing all this ruckus and is over before you know it.

But wait, right? How does that relate to business you are now asking. Well, it’s pretty simple. Many people get into their new business looking for that quick income or quick fix to life but, we all know in reality that building a long-term income takes time and effort. Not that hype and fire that many get for two or three weeks or even a few months before it’s over and they are gone.

You see to become a consistent top producer in your niche; you have to last longer than a blizzard. You will have to put in the time and work to continue to excel in your niche even when things feel against you, push through.

Here are 5 tips on how to

  1. Be Consistent – Set daily objectives and finish them every day. Whether that’s posting content, following up, webinars, conference calls, etc. make sure to do daily steps to get to your ultimate goals.
  2. Share Your Passion – Your passion will show and radiate to others. Do what you are passionate about and share your story with others!
  3. Find A Mentor – Find an industry leader in your niche and study what they do and follow their trainings and social media sites. I would highly recommend looking into MLSP for a wealth of industry leaders with free trainings!
  4. Set Goals – Set goals for your business on a weekly, monthly, and large-scale basis. Your weekly goals should be stepping-stones to hit your monthly goal(s), and your monthly goals should be getting to your large goals. Make simple goals to build up to your dreams!
  5. Follow Up – Follow up immediately and build a relationship. Set a date and time to follow-up with you prospect and stick to it! Remember, most prospects take three to five follow ups before they decide to go with you! Don’t get discouraged after the first contact!

Hopefully these 5 quick tips will help you create a momentum that will continue to last for a long time and not fizzle out like a blizzard rolling of the Colorado Rockies! If you have gotten value out of my 5 tips please feel free to leave me a comment.

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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE