Did You Fall For The Shiny Object??

shiny objectI know we all have seen people who have jumped ship because of that “Shiny Object!” You know a new company starts preaching get in on the ground floor, grab a top spot or you’re promised more pay or better hours. Yea, we all have been in that situation or definitely know people who have fallen prey to it.

It will NEVER matter the promises or the position if you are putting in the same work ethic that you did before expecting better results! No Shiny Object is going to miraculously change your business without your change in work ethic too!

You consistently have to take action to grow your business to be successful. Take these 4 steps to be consistent daily:

  1. Do the little things each day to move you forward.
  2. Never make excuses for lack of action
  3. Never seeking perfection in place of inaction
  4. Use the imagination to further the cause

Now let me expand on each of those points some:

  • Do the little things each day to move you forward. What are you doing daily that will help yourself and your business grow? Are you doing any reading daily, have you been attending local networking events or your company’s events? Are you making time for your team during the day?


  • Never make excuses for your lack of action. We all have probably slipped once starting out. You know, we are brand new and know very little and therefore blame our upline or sponsors. Well, as a leader we can only guide you in the right direction and give you the information needed to be successful, the rest is solely up to you to run with it!


  • Never seeking perfection in place of inaction. Is there really perfection? As an entrepreneur we are always growing and learning daily with our actions. Whether that is learning new marketing avenues that are coming out or have been released or learning and growing ourselves we are always striving for the next level!


  • Use the imagination to further the cause. Let your mind and actions not limit your growth but to expand your growth to reach new levels and therefore reaching those once dreams and make them a reality. Do not limit yourself with your thinking, like the old Disney ride “Figment Of Your Imagination” go after your dreams and dream big!


Don’t let the Shiny Object derail your true goals! Look hard at yourself and determine where you want to go and how you will get there! If you have no passion or drive no matter the business there will be no success! Use these 4 steps to grow yourself and business daily.

ZL Signature 2PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE