Improved Health = Improved Business!!


Improved Health = Improved Business!!So, just like myself I bet we all have set our New Year Resolution or Resolutions for some people. J That is great and all but we also have to make it a plan to make it stick and not be another fad that allows you to fit in with your “crowd!” Like I talked about in my blog “Do Not Hold Onto What Didn’t Change You in 2015! Start Goal Setting Today For 2016make your resolution a vision, put it where you can see it and make it one of your goals!

Now you are probably wondering what I am talking about “Improved Health = Improved Business” right? Well, let’s actually think about what happens when we are sick or even just under the weather a little bit. I will almost guarantee that all of us are less productive, have less energy, and cognitively we are not all in it either. You’re sitting there going, well but that’s getting sick we can’t really stop that, False!! We are more apt to get sick because we are in poor health and our immune system suffers from our poor health choices.

See making quality health choices will drastically improve your mental, physical, and emotional well-being! When we decide our health is an important issue, we will then start taking the steps to have an improved healthy lifestyle and by being healthy we will be more productive in all of life. Now, I am not talking everyone run out and buy a gym membership, because we all know it’s cool at the beginning but most times doesn’t last. I am simply talking  starting off simple, start with the most important meal of the day, which in turn is also the most skipped meal, that being breakfast. Start off with breakfast and start with simply healthy nutrition options like adding a piece of fruit. How hard is it to grab an apple and eat it on your way to work? Pretty simple right? Then work on lunch, instead of going out every lunch hour, simply save money and make your lunch the evening before at home. You see the progression with your now improved health choices? Making health a lifestyle is rather simple and not one that needs to be done overnight either!

You see, I tell you this because I was there, I was that fat guy that liked to party and eat everything!! I started in Networking at 260-270 pounds and who knows what body fat, but I can tell you I had more than a spare tire there, if you know what I mean! I didn’t want to change that lifestyle was my medication to my demons from my job. But, I can now say, thank God for that sponsor that pushed me into getting back into networking! You see by simply changing my breakfast then, I was able to lose 35 pounds in 3 months! Now, to some that doesn’t seem like a lot, but let me tell you when I started I was out of breath going up stairs! And that’s not a good thing for an EMT! Total to date now is over 80 pounds and 15% plus body fat LOST and I have built over 18 pounds of muscle!!

You all too can make that one simple decision to better your health! I was thick-headed and didn’t want to either but, the outcome has been amazing! Changing your health will drastically increase your business through self-confidence, emotional well-being, and physical well-being. Take that first step! If you want to talk about it more, please feel free to comment below or email me and I will personally help you take the steps to get a healthier you!!

ZL Signature 2PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE