Are You Becoming A Professional Or Are You Just Faking It Till You Fail?
Let’s say that again, are you becoming a professional or just faking it till you fail? Now I know that has upset some of you already and that is good! Over 90% of networkers fail because they had this idea of paying a start-up fee, getting in, and making money on demand!! Well, you actually have to put in the time to grow their business and they are not cut out to put in the hard work and dedication it takes to achieve success in this field and in their own business. To make your business a legitimate profitable business you will have to put in the work and effort to get it there. This includes investing in yourself and business, learning about your business, marketing, and personal development, and then you must be able to teach it to those you attract!
If you’re serious then you are still reading this and are starting to become a professional in your business! I like that!! I want this person!! Becoming a professional means you are putting in the time and investment to learn, to build yourself, and work on building your business. You know this will not come easy but with dedication you are going to learn and be able to teach others to do the same!
Investing in your future will not only pay off in your business but ona personal level as well! I’ve spent almost 20 years in Emergency Medicine caring for others in their worst times and rarely thought about taking care of myself that was a farfetched thought really. It wasn’t until I got into networking and learned about self-development and personal development. And even when I got into networking it wasn’t until I found a video about a platform that really grew Zach as a person! (Check it out here) So, I started asking for Amazon gift cards for Christmas, birthdays, etc. and I would use them to build my library of books!
Learning was next; while I invested in myself and my business I then had to learn what I was investing in. I was learning to reprogram my brain that had literally been brainwashed by corporate America and programmed to fit into their pyramid scheme of a plan! You know the one, work harder and harder with longer hours for a pay rate that was decided for you. By changing my mindset into an entrepreneur and deciding I wanted more in life the investment in my books and courses set the path to become a successful entrepreneur! With the mindset that you want to be successful then you will find your “Why” and the time to commit to building your future!
Teaching is the final step in this piece. Once I have invested in myself, I have learned from those investments, now comes teaching it to others. The teaching part is what I have found the most rewarding and once you start doing this everything else falls into place without you even noticing! When you can go out and give a solution for a problem you are looked upon as a leader and someone a person what’s to follow. Notice not once in here anywhere have I talked about actually pushing your product? That’s because once you do these three steps and solve a person’s question you are in turn providing them a solution that will more than likely be solved with your service or product but not once did you sell the person!
Using these three steps will help you take any business to the next level and make you a successful entrepreneur instead of just another networking failure that blames a system instead of their lack of commitment! If you found value from this article please comment below and toss out a share so others can get value too!
Invest, Learn, and Teach = Residual Income
PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE of the corporate greed? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!
PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE