I want to talk to you guys about beliefs. What’s your limiting beliefs? You know, belief in yourself. You know, don’t worry about what others say. Drop the fear. We get so stuck on just what other people have to say, but number one, I want to talk about is you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that you’re able to do or achieve whatever it is that you’re actually going for. Whether it be in business or sports, or it could be your college degree, it could be many things, a job, a good interview, but if you don’t believe in yourself and we don’t think that we can do it, and we can achieve it, it’s never going to happen, guys. You got to be able to believe in yourself.
If you look at Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, how many shots did they miss? Henry Ford was turned down how many times before Ford Motor Company became actually what it is today. Colonel Sanders with KFC, I think it was over a hundred times he was told no, it wouldn’t work, they laughed at him. Walt Disney, same thing, they laughed at him. Oprah was fired you guys. If they didn’t have a belief in themselves and they didn’t believe that they could be successful they never would have happened. You guys wouldn’t know their name. You wouldn’t know who Oprah was, you wouldn’t know who Wayne Gretzky was, or Michael Jordan. We wouldn’t have Ford Motor Company. You know things like that.
Number two, you guys, don’t worry about what others say. It’s just noise really, is all it is. If you want to be successful you’re going to have those haters, or you’re going to have the doubters, you’re going to have the naysayers. You’re going to have the ones that laugh and ridicule you, while you’re doing it until you become successful, and then I’ll guarantee you, they’re the first person that says, “I know you.” You know? So just make that- It’s noise. Get in with the crowd that that’s where you want to be. You want to be successful, then figure out those people in that niche that you’re in, and become successful like they are. Don’t worry about the noise.
People that have fear, people that are scared of change, people that live a negative lifestyle are the ones that actually are going to be the ones knocking you. It’s not the ones that are already successful that want to help you. Successful people want to make others successful, negative people keep people negative. Plain and simple, day in, day out. Just look at it. Go look at your friends. You don’t see somebody that’s wanting to get a new job, that’s negative about their job, is going to help you out to get successful in your job, are they? Highly doubt it.
Then it comes to number three. You guys have to drop the fear. We can’t be scared to go outside our comfort zone. If we’re scared going outside our comfort zone it’s never, ever, ever, ever going to work. You have to believe in yourself! If you don’t take that little chance, if you don’t take that opportunity, if you don’t spend that $100 or $500 to help you get somewhere, it’s never going to happen. This isn’t like a 9 to 5 job. We have to spend money. We have to invest in ourselves, to invest, learn, and teach, right? So you got to drop that fear. You can’t go out and get a McDonald’s franchise for free and expect to pay them back. You got to pay for it up front to get it. So you got to drop that fear.
You know, $500 or $1000, whatever, could be a lot of money to you, but you also got to look- Are you going to use it, you better use it if you’re going to pay that money, and where’s it going to get you? So you got to drop that fear. The fear of everything. The fear of, like, number two. What people are going to say, the noise. Drop your fears. Fear of getting in front of a camera like this. I was there. Or fear of building a blog, or advertising, or just talking to strangers on the phone. That thing will weigh 100 pounds, 500 pounds, your first 5 or 10, 15, 20 phone calls when you’re calling prospects, but once you get in that rotation you’re perfect.
You guys, go believe in yourself. Don’t worry about the noise and what others say, and then drop the fears, guys. We got to get over that. That’s the biggest hold up for us I think. So hopefully that was helpful. It was a little quick one I wanted to do here, and you guys take care.
Go Believe In Yourself Today!!
Zach Loescher – EMT/CPT
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