messageNo matter how high-tech the world becomes, there are still many old-fashioned problems regarding communication.  With an email message, you face the same challenge as you do with regular mail — convincing the recipient to open the message (or envelope).


Many email recipients delete messages without ever opening them.  How do you avoid ending up in the electronic equivalent of “Recyle Bin”?  The answer is:  by using a good subject line. 


A subject line allows the reader to see at a glance what the message is regarding.  It serves as gatekeeper, determining whether the message will be opened.

Three methods for writing an effective email message subject line.


  1. Say Something Useful


Leaving the subject line blank isn’t an option.  People don’t open messages when they don’t know what they’re about.  For one reason, they don’t have time to be bothered.  For another, the threat of email viruses makes people nervous.


Almost as useless as leaving the subject line blank is typing the word “Hi” or “Greetings.”  Those are fine for messages to your best friend or mom.  But, in the professional world, it tells the recipient absolutely nothing.


  1. Be Specific


People receive lots of email.  To cut through the B.S. and get your message read, be specific about the topic.  The more information you provide in the subject line, the better chance you have of getting the person’s attention.


For example, instead of typing “Question,” try, “Question about XYZ event.”  Instead of typing “Proposal,” try, “Proposal for XYZ event on 7/5.”


  1. Be Creative


Using a specific subject line is most appropriate when corresponding with people you know or who are expecting your message.  How do you get the attention of someone who does not know you?  Be creative.


In this instance, the subject line isn’t used to describe the contents of the message.  Instead, it conveys some other type of information.  The exact content will vary, based on the message and recipient.  The key question is – what can you tell the recipient that will convince him/her to open the message and read it?


Here are a few examples that demonstrate various goals. 


*             To identify yourself, try “Zach – Online Marketer.” 

*             To tell how you met the person, try “Zach, from the Chamber Networking B’fast.” 

*             To explain why you’re contacting him/her, try “Alpine Rescue Team Fundraiser.” 

*             To exploit a common bond with recipient, try “Fellow or University Grad.” 

*             To distinguish yourself from others, try “Zach, Spanish Speaking Marketer.”


There is one more challenge to overcome when crafting an effective subject line – length.  Although your screen will allow you to type as many words as you want, most recipients can only view 25-35 characters of a subject line.  A “character” is defined as a letter, space, or punctuation.  Whenever your cursor moves a space, that is considered a character.


Since space is limited, don’t type a complete sentence.  Use a phrase or series of words.  Even abbreviations are acceptable, if you are certain the recipient will understand them.


Don’t leave your email messages naked.  Use an effective subject line.


ZLoescherZach Loescher – EMT/CPT

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