It is October, and the we’re three quarters the way through 2016. Like most people, you probably took inventory at the beginning of the year and made plans and goals for the year. Yet, the experts say that over 30 percent of the people who make a New Year’s resolution has given up by February and over half will concede defeat come summer.
Why does this happen? It happens because a resolution, by Oxford Dictionaries, is A firm decision to do or not to do something. It is not a goal. A resolution also tend to be very vague. Example: “This year I resolve that I will get in better health” or “This year I resolve to be a better entrepreneur.”
Let me give you a simple analogy. In some ways, a resolution is like the canvas on your camping tent, while the goals are like the poles and stakes. You can’t expect to raise a tent without the poles and stakes to support your goals. Likewise, you can’t expect to fulfill on a resolution without having goals and the tools to support them.
Using the tent analogy, those that are truly successful in raising a tent have probably also reviewed a list of instructions that told them in what order to complete specific tasks. In our resolutions and goals example, this would be the action plan. The action plan is the road map that will tell you what needs to be done and when to do it in order to achieve your goals and fulfill your resolutions.
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Use this simple five-step process and you will beat the odds and achieve the success you deserve this year!
The Five Step Resolution Process:
- Analyze what you wish to accomplish. Think about what is most important to you. Look at where you are today and determine where it is you want to go by years end.
- Identify your key objectives. Rank-order them, and limit yourself to no more than three to five.
- Create an action plan. This is where you say, “Here’s what I plan to do and here’s how I plan to do it.” This must be written using the SMART goals formula, which is “specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely.” An example on a weight-loss resolution could be: I will lose weight this year. SMART Formula Goal: I will go to the gym for 60 minutes three times a week beginning on January 2nd.
- Prioritize your plan. This is where you go, “Here’s the order that I plan to do them in.” Use the 20/80 rule and focus on the 20% of the tasks that will produce 80% of the results. Automate anything that you can if it is business related.
- Implement your plan. This is where you say, “Here’s how I will put my plan into practice.” Then do it! This should include a regular review and celebration process, even with small goals reached! A weekly review is best but definitely no less than monthly. With weekly we can quickly see what is not working and fix it before we get to far in to the wrong actions.
If you follow these simple steps, you will not only to be able to accomplish your goals, but even better is you keep your New Year’s resolution! Good luck!
Zach Loescher – EMT/CPT
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