You Don’t Buy Your Story, You Create It!

Your StoryWe have heard many stories and you have probably hear your story sells, right? We all have our stories of what has happened in our pasts and where we have come. Whether you came to another country, maybe fighting a health scare, maybe it was bankruptcy, or any of a million others stories, no two peoples are the same. You create Your Story, it’s impossible to buy it!

A lot of people who are getting into networking may have taken a leap already and are because you are in a new industry, working around new people, and maybe even people who have been in for years. That’s OK, we were all new at one time and we were all exactly right there, trying to discover our story and our why.

Telling your story can be really simple when we break it down and look at it piece by piece.

  1. Introduction – The goal here is to simply introduce yourself to give you audience a mix of information about you personally and professionally.

“Hi, my name is Zach Loescher from Denver, CO. I am a 20 year veteran first responder turned networking pro with a 16-year-old son that loves hockey”

You can also add in a wife or if you’re single add in your pets, people love pets.

  1. Describe Your Journey Into Your New Business Opportunity. – This section is where you get your audience to relate to you and Your Story.

“My time in EMS caught up to me and I found myself simply fat, out of shape, and tipping the scale at over 260. Add in my self-medicating from all the years of scenes that no one should ever have to witness, alcohol became my get away and that lead to increased PTSD and depression.

I finally got caught up with a girl and then the law and that was my wake-up. It wasn’t my friends because they would lose a party friend then. So, I finally got off paper and out of the Extended Stay I was at thanks to a new friend that let me rent out a room in her house. And since then it’s been an amazing journey into learning about me through personal development and the family I have built-in networking”

Now you have given your audience a little sneak peek into your world and showed them no matter your level in your business we all are still humans. Your story has given them that vision that the possibility of them succeeding as well is there. You’ve showed them there is more to life them that corporate cubical job with a boss.

  1. Explain How You Discovered Network Marketing – Take your audience on a ride through the process of how you found out about networking and got into network marketing.

“It all started in the late 1990’s when a good friend that I grew up with said they had something they wanted to show me. So, I did the ok I can make it and next thing you know I was in a living room meeting about Amway. Now that lasted about 2-3 years and I learned a ton form the books and tapes, but everyone moved on and I just fizzled out.

Fast forward to approx. January 2012 I had a random guy approached me about a business but his approach was a complete turn off and I was still in denial that I needed to change. Now about 3 months later, a high school buddy comes with the same business and I gave in and said fine, give me till Friday to order.”

And now that you are wrapping up your story your audience is most likely excited as you just painted a picture that they can relate to on a personal level. You just literally have given them your story with a key at the end for them to start their own business and build their own story.

I have given you the first 3 steps in creating your story. The first three steps in your story when mastered will literally already close a person that is looking for a business opportunity or is on the fence. Your emotions telling your story are going to captivate your listeners and draw them into listening to where you came from and how you did it through network marketing. Go out and make your story!

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PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE