To Use StumbleUpon Or Not, The Good And Bad

StumbleUponFor those that have been around prior to the likes of Pinterest and Tumblr, StumbleUpon was by far the cream of the crop. Today, many have transitioned over to other social media platforms to draw traffic to your blog, but StumbleUpon still will drive great traffic to your blogs but has its downside as well.

So, you are probably wondering why use StumbleUpon if there is a downside to it right? And I would agree with you! But the downside will not matter to some, while others find it an important piece to their puzzle.

Let’s just get straight to the downside and talk the negative before tell you why it can also be a great tool for your blog.

So, with StumbleUpon driving good traffic to your site one downside I see is that your bounce rate can skyrocket to the 80’s or 90% rate. Meaning that when a viewer looks at your post they only go to that page and do not go off of it to any other page. So, one way to avoid this is to make sure you have links on your page either leading to other related blog posts or to your Call To Action (CTA). Another downside to using StumbleUpon I have seen with my blog posts is that the “Average Time On Page” dropped into the mid-one minute mark down from above two minutes. So with Google Analytics you can see these numbers are greatly affected by StumbleUpon.

The good side to using StumbleUpon is that you will see your blog views and site visitors go up drastically. Engage In The Community: As is the case with other social sites, the best way to get a consistent stream of traffic is by truly engaging with the community.  Another easy way is to link it to your blog and social networks. While you will get some traffic without taking this step to set up links redirected to your website and social networking sites, the best way to increase your traffic is to take the time to set up these links to your StumbleUpon.

While, as I have witnessed with my own blog, both the good and the bad. When you build a blog that draws the viewer’s attention and keeps them engaged in your posts. When I had the poor analytics results it was more due to having a poor Call To Action and not using my blog links. When I changed my posts to have strong titles, a good CTA, and used links within my blog, the numbers turned great! I believe StumbleUpon has great benefits that will drive traffic to your blog and with the correct processes in place your blog will be able to hold the viewers interest and retain them on your blog to not affect your analytics.

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