7 Reasons Blogging Should Be Mandatory In Your Marketing Plan

BloggingBlogging isn’t anything that’s new, but many people have started to take to blogging to get their message about their brand and business out to more people. Blogging gives you a marketing advantage that most other marketing platforms do not offer your brand and business.

Being that I like numbers, let’s look at another reason you should be blogging! 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs.(BlogHer) 60% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site.( Content Plus) 61% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from a blog. (BlogHer) Once you write 21-54 blog posts, blog traffic generation increases by up to 30%. (TrafficGenerationCafe) The most active demographic group for blogging is 21-to-35 year olds with 53.3% of the total blogging population. ( Sysomos) So, as you can see blogging has some serious numbers to back why you should be blogging for your brand marketing!

Here are 7 Reasons Blogging Should Be Mandatory In Your Marketing Plan:

  1. You Can Tell Your story. – A blog is a great place to share your story and share your why. Tell your audience why you’re in business and how you can help them achieve their goals too.
  1. It Gives Your Brand A Voice. – A blog creates an online space for you to talk about your niche’s products or services, give trainings on the latest tools to help build your business. It’s also the place to let your brand’s personality can shine through and show people what you’re all about.
  1. A Blog Is A Simple And Easy-To-Use Platform – Blogs are a great tool for connecting with potential clients and sharing timely and relevant information with your audience. It’s your direct communication channel to literally the world!
  1. You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Web Designer. – Many blogging platforms like MLSP Sites and WordPress are almost plug and play platforms. MLSP Sites based on a WordPress platform is a user-friendly platform  and doesn’t require advanced technical graphic skills to get up and running and comes with many PRO plug-ins already installed.
  1. Writing a blog shares your expertise. – How else are you able to position yourself as an expert and leader in your niche? Writing your blog gives you a voice that can be heard all over the world!
  1. Blogs Are A Cost-Effective Marketing Tool. – A blog can very cost-effective given that every post you publish is a long-term asset that helps build your brand and promote your niche, products and services. Your blog will literally be around for years to come gaining leads with little to no effort once published.
  1. Blog Analytics – Analytics will give you insight into your audience allowing you to track links, click-through, popular posts, shares, and comments. You can even tell what day of the week your visitors prefer to stop by and what time is your most active. Analytics can also go farther giving you’re the device they are viewing from, locations, and much more.

Blogging can be one of the best investments you can do in your business besides obviously starting your business. Using a platform like MLSP Sites that give you a blogging platform based on WordPress, plus PRO level plug-ins already included will have your blog up and running in literally hours!

Go and get a piece f the blogging pie and build your brand by blogging!

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