5 steps for sponsoring new reps daily into any business is actually very easy, when you done correctly!


5 Steps For SponsoringThe 5 steps for sponsoring new reps are as follows: 


1) Start a simple conversation

2) Learn about the person you’re talking to

3) Engage them and ask questions (their problems)

4) Give them a Direction to their problem

5) Solve their problem and get them in



When you look at it like this, it is pretty simple and straight to the point of what you’re trying to accomplish. Solve their problem and sign them up. An amazing program I have used is Sponsoring Secrets from MLSP and it’s a game changer for me! If your serious about sponsoring new reps daily then it’s a must in your arsenal of learning tools!

Let’s look at the 5 steps for sponsoring new reps:


1) Start A Simple Conversation:


Most people are shy about starting a conversation with a stranger or person they rarely talk to. But, in all honesty it’s very simple! Start off with a simple “Good Morning” or “Hi” and you can easily gauge their interaction from that point. Some will still be standoffish while others will open up.


But, Zach I don’t know anyone. That’s a false we tell ourselves when we fear talking to strangers!! We have to leave the fear at home if we truly want to build our business today! How about a few that you most likely run into on a daily or weekly basis:

  • cashiers
  • waiters
  • delivery people (Mail, UPS, FedEx, etc.)
  • co-workers
  • strangers


Every one of these people is just lead waiting to be talked to! Maybe they don’t sign-up today but the average lead takes 5 contacts before they decide its right for them. So, follow-up!



2) Learn About The Person You’re Talking To:

Too many people want to jump right into business and that is all they care about, FORGET THAT! If you want long-term business then you need to truly build a relationship with the person and get to know then and their needs!


Start off with simple questions to get rolling:

  • Good Morning or Good Afternoon
  • Hows your family/kids?
  • I see you’re looking at XYZ product, what’s your thoughts on it
  • How is your day going
  • How’s business going for you (if you know about their business)


It’s all simple questions like that to get the conversation going for you!


You’ll be amazed at how people will just open up to you when you ask simple questions and the next thing you know is you know about all their problems! Which is a great thing to know and to be able to solve!



3) Engage Them And Ask Questions:


Like I said above once you get a person talking a good portion of the time they will spill their problems to you but, if they don’t just simply engage them and ask about their known problem (Health, Money, Work, etc)


People will again start talking to you like it’s no big deal and you will then have a wealth of information to help them with their problem solving! All by just simply asking!



4) Give Them A Direction To Their Problem:


This one is now rather simple as you already know their problem, so all you have to do know is provide them a solution!


Simply direct them to the information or product they need for their problem, whether it’s a simple capture page or your product or service page. But, always capture their information to follow-up with them!


Set a time to follow-up once you have given them a direction:

“Jane how about I call you at 5:30 tonight so that gives you time to go home and watch the short video I gave you?”



5) Solve Their Problem And Get Them In:


Now that you have hopefully given them a direction to solve their problem(s) sign them up! Don’t wait till tomorrow or next week, follow-up immediately and get them going on a trial if you can!


People that have the product or service in their hot hands are very much more likely to continue with you and want to solve that problem versus they ones you let wait around and start getting second opinions from nay sayers!



People will have objections, that’s part of life.


That means they are seriously thinking about joining you. They have put the time into watching or using your sample to form an opinion themselves and want more answers now.


Simply handle their objections with a question back to them. Basically turn it back on them with a simple question and if you can make it directed at their problem.


And the last step of the 5 Steps for sponsoring is the simplest, sign them up!!



You see following these 5 steps for sponsoring new reps will bring you new reps at ease if done correctly! Opening a simple conversation with a person can be that simple but, you have to take the first step to start it with them!!

ZL Signature 2

PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE