5 Step Guide To Getting Daily Leads!

5 Step Guide ToGetting HOT Leads! (1)Are you getting the leads you want? No matter the type of business you are in we all have one thing in common, LEADS!! No matter if you’re in a MLM, a realtor, brick and mortar business or any other type of business we all need leads to generate new sales and build an email list!

Without leads we will have no business and you will end up back exactly where you didn’t want to be in the first place!

Let’s take a look at the 5 best options for you to get daily leads!

  • Blogging – Blogs are probably the best way to generate daily leads with your content. Blogs are an excellent way for you to give value and to help solve problems that your followers have plus a blog is always there! Content is one of the few things you truly own being an entrepreneur. A blog when used in conjunction with SEO and keywords will continue to drive you traffic for years to come from one simple blog post!


  • Paid Ads – Ads can be a great tool to use if you have a budget, even a small $5 a day budget will help grow your followers and be able to get your posts boosted to drive more traffic. Facebook Ads (FREE Cheat Sheet PDF) will be able to give you a specific focus to better select where and who sees your ads. These are great if you have service or product you want to focus on a certain demographic and not just anyone!


  • Menu Links – You most likely already have a blog site or website, now put it to work for you by adding tabs such as “Work With Me” and have a form or application to fill out. Use 3-5 points to why a person looking at your site should join you. Are you a good leader, mentor, coach? What skills can you use to teach them to build their business? Are you an expert in a niche?


  • Social Follows – We all have a number of social media site that are hopefully branded to us to build You Inc. Are you capitalizing on gaining followers on your social media sites? Gaining social followers will help you get more eyes on your content and a larger viewing population to grow your email list and business. Here is a great Instagram Cheat Sheet to use.


  • Banners, Opt-in Forms, etc. – Another excellent tool to add to your sites is banners and opt-in forms. You have seen them and most likely opted-in to a few to get something that caught your eye. Banners in your blogs or on the side of a site are easy and great ways to grab more leads! I love using a pop-up when a person goes to exit, giving them some irresistible deal or tool!! These are simple and quick to add as well and there is basically no maintenance once you have them built and plugged in. Got a hot deal or launch coming up? Make a opt-in for that then and get the word out. There is really no limit to what you can use banners and opt-ins for! Be creative and have fun with them!

Well, I have given you what I feel is the best 5 ways to get Hot Leads Daily for your business. Now you can implement one of these or all five, but I know implementing more will only accelerate your business! If you can only start with one, then you need to be blogging if you are serious about your business! Blogging will have a return on your investment for months and years to come!!

I hope you have found value in this article today and if you have please feel free to comment below and share this on your social media to help others! Thank you have a great day!

ZL Signature 2

PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE