5 Simple Daily Action Steps to Achieve Success


5 Simple DailyThese action steps are intended as the framework to grow a prosperous business whether it is in online marketing or traditional business.  When you have set into place a daily routine that is carried out day after day it all becomes part of your habit and becomes second nature to you.

When I started out years ago, I was never given anything to follow except go show the plan! You know, draw it on a napkin or piece of paper, then we moved to flip charts, and finally technology stepped in! I learned a little bit many years ago while in Amway but lost that over time and never was reintroduced to these steps until recently.

You want to know why your business is slow or stagnant. I would bet that you are not doing these steps! These are the same exact steps that I now use on a daily basis to grow a successful online marketing company today! These are the exact same steps 6 and 7-Figure earners use to grow their businesses!

  1. Personal Development – We are only as good as our mindset and our beliefs in us! Make sure you are growing yourself daily as a mentor and leader, set an example for your team and followers! Your personal development can be reading books, magazines, videos, and also be sure to include fitness! If you want to be successful you have to Invest in yourself, Learn from your investments, and go out and Teach others! Always remembering the ILT method = Invest, Learn, and Teach!


  1. Video Marketing and Content creation – Video is by far the best form of marketing out there if done properly! People are more likely to watch a video then read your whole text post! I recently did a blog on “Easy Video Blogging” explaining how simple making a video is.  Also, doing a daily blog and connecting with your email list is crucial to building your following as well. Again give people great value, education, and how to! These videos and blogs along with strong SEO leveraging will skyrocket your business in a shorter period of time!


  1. Social Media Marketing – This is FREE advertising for marketers BUT, use it wisely!! People want Value and consistency NOT repetitive link blasting! I have a great blog post on affiliate links and using them properly on social media, click here. Make your content heartfelt and have fun with it! The more value you provide, the more a person will want to follow you for the value you are giving them and NOT unfollow you!


  1. Make Connections – Make 10 NEW contacts per day and this maybe in person, talking to new people, New social media conversations (NO friend likes is NOT counted), Social groups, etc. Make these new contacts about a relationship and not just contacting them spamming them with your newest business op that you are into. Find out the persons problems or struggle and provide them a solution to it and build off of those problem solving moments.


  1. Team Building – Without our teams we are not much! So, make sure to welcome new members, use getting started trainings, do weekly team webinars, and any special launches, along with keeping old clients in the loop with your email autoresponders. Make sure to celebrate any victories a person has and celebrate the beginning levels even more to easily build your team up! People feed off of positive reinforcement and will in turn want to see or hear their name too!


Start using these simple 5 Daily Actions Steps for success and help you in growing your business! I wish you all the best in your business and in Life. Please feel free to contact me or leave me feedback to better help each and every one of you!

ZL Signature 2

PS Want to learn more about being a successful entrepreneur and ready to break FREE? Click Work With Zach and I will personally respond and talk with you!

PSS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Learn to build a network online by a proven and documented mentor that have changed my life in 2015 CLICK HERE