Hocus, Pocus, it’s all about focus. That’s the real magic of goals!
‘Once set, the final thing to do is to make our goals visible. Put our written down goals where we will see them every day. Look at them often and surely success will follow, as day follows night.’
The above success principle has been praised by just about all those who have applied it. Those who do not apply it usually get left in the dust, goal-less. There are some who are able to bypass this principle and still enjoy great success, but they are few and far in between.
In my experience with goal setting, past and present, I find that in addition to writing them out, pictures of my goals and associated items, help me to visualize actually having them, just as if they are in your favorite catalogue, all I have to do is pay the price to pick them up. This allows me to think that it is just a matter of time until they arrive! This really helps to alleviate any negative vibes that may crop up during the adventure.
When you have one gargantuan goal, that by going after it, you automatically achieve all of your others, this helps to keep your focus concentrated, and your energy does not get dissipated by going in a lot of different directions. Just like Napoleon Hill writes about how powerful a ‘Magnificent Obsession’ can be.
Please do not take this as ‘bragging’ as my intention is only to demonstrate that anyone can do, have, or be whatever they want as long as you pay the price asked. Who in their right mind would brag about a small amount like $8,000.00 anyway in this day and age?
Let’s see some of the focus activities I used in doing this:
- Write down my goal and review it frequently. Immerse myself in it.
- Surround myself with associate items, pictures, smells, feels, and/or tastes.
- Think as if it’s on layaway, it’s in the bank, and confidently pay the price.
- Create future references by visualizing you have received them already.
- Talk about them all the time, and record my own enthusiastic voice to listen to.
- Control my focus by crowding out the negative, overwhelming it with positive.
- Break down my actions to the ridiculously simple, be specific.
- Committed to myself, my wife, and everyone I cared about. (built up importance)
- Set my mind to ‘win’, there is no other option to consider.
- Have faith that this will happen, use the peak to peek principle.
One focus to success. Build momentum in all things instead of distraction. It is all about focus. You can make this work for you too. The real question to ask yourself is this:
How can I take these 10 ‘focus’ strategies, use them as a checklist of sorts, apply them to my most important goal, make them work for me, and enjoy the process?
Well, how can you? And will you? You Can Do It!
Go for it!
Zach Loescher – EMT/CPT
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